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Case Study




Media Production, Positioning, Writing


In 2018-2019, the world had the worst refugee crisis since World War II, yet media coverage of the refugees’ plight was diminishing.


The global audience had compassion fatigue, felt overwhelmed, and did not know how to help effectively.  There was also an anti-refugee and immigrant narrative from politicians worldwide.


Conducted three podcast interviews with executives leading organizations helping in the international refugee-relief efforts.   The first podcast, aired on World Refugee Day, outlined how better policies in host countries enable refugees to rebuild their lives and contribute to host economies.  The second concerned running a $100 million “big bet” grant competition to help solve a critical social problem, and the third was a discussion of how one “big bet” grant winner was applying the grant to support programming to educate young children displaced by conflict and persecution in the Middle East.


Podcasts posted on Stanford Social Innovation Review

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